'Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.'
– Mahatma Gandhi
At FaithInvest, we understand that investing is not just about growing wealth. Since 2019, we have been accompanying faith groups as they seek to align their investments with their beliefs and values. That's why we've developed a training course for faith-based organisations wanting to deepen their faith-consisting investing journey.
The next course will be scheduled in 2025.
We understand the complexities and challenges that faith-based asset owners encounter as they try to ensure their investments reflect their mission and values. Our aim is to help you overcome these complexities. Our empowering online, live-taught course – Faithful Finance: An Introduction to Aligning Investments with Faith Values – will enable you to dive deep with confidence into the world of faith-consistent investing. The course, which costs £295 per person. covers:
The foundational principles of faith-based investing.
How to engage with financial intermediaries with clarity and confidence.
How to go further on the faith-consistent investing journey.
Watch our short video to learn more, read the testimonials below and scroll down to find out more about the practicalities of the course.
It has empowered me to embody the knowledge and own what we are about as a congregation.
The whole area is not as daunting as I had imagined it to be, hence my shift in confidence.
The confidence it has given me to feel more able to get involved in discussions with our investment advisors.
I found all the inputs very enriching.... going through the notes is a huge benefit.

Delivered live online over four weeks in four 90-minute modules

Suitable for all faith traditions seeking to begin or deepen their FCI journey

Learn alongside a cohort of like-minded, values-driven people
In an era marked by the urgent challenges of climate change and the ambitious objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals, the way we approach our investments has never been more pivotal. Faith-based traditions have long emphasised the importance of integrating moral and ethical values into every aspect of life.
At a time where financial decisions are not merely about returns, but also about reflecting values and mission, faith-consistent investing emerges as a powerful bridge. Faith-consistent investing allows faith organisations to make investment decisions in line with these deeply held values, ensuring that their investments can help create a better world.
FaithInvest's online course, Faithful Finance: An Introduction to Aligning Investments with Faith Values, enables faith-based investors to learn how they can incorporate their values into their financial decisions.
Sr Ann Pratt
Laudato Si’ Facilitator
Racine Dominicans
The teams from the Racine Dominicans and FaithInvest talked about the goals of the day. I asked them to set our hearts on fire, which they certainly did! It was such an inspirational day and we saw the spark of what is to come.
Why faith-consistent investing can be a powerful tool for building a better world.
The foundational principles of faith-based investing, from basic concepts and processes to understanding the merits and challenges of empowering assets with purpose.
How to engage with financial intermediaries with clarity and confidence.
How to ensure that your investments remain faith-aligned over time.
How to go further on the faith-consistent investing journey – and how FaithInvest can accompany you!
This course is designed for:
Employees, board or committee members, or organisation volunteers involved with financial management or oversight for any faith-based organisation.
The course costs £295 per person. A limited number of bursaries (tuition waivers) are available for eligible participants. See below for details.
If you are interested in joining our course and you work for asset managers, as a consultant, or with a non-governmental organisation or a non-faith non-profit, please reach out to us at training@faithinvest.org. We'd love to hear from you!
Previous course dates: Tuesdays, over four consecutive weeks.
Approximate times: 8.00 - 9.30 PST | 11.00 - 12.30 EST | 16.00 - 17.30 GMT | 17.00 - 18-30 CET | 19.00 - 20.30 EAT
Course duration: Four modules over four weeks. Each module is 90 minutes.
Learning mode: Online, with weekly live webinars and opportunity for peer-to-peer learning and discussion. This four-week learning journey is supported with accessible learning resources and self-guided reflection activities that invite discovery of how your organisation’s faith values can guide its financial future.
Certificate of Completion awarded
Course fee: £295 per person. Please contact FaithInvest to find out more about applying for a tuition waiver. A limited number of tuition waivers are available for eligible participants.
Participants: This course is aimed at people in leadership or finance roles at faith-based organisations. If you are an asset manager or consultant and would be interested in one of our planned future courses geared more to your needs, on how to engage faith-based investors, please indicate your interest and we will be in touch.
Register now and prepare to step into the world of faith-consistent investing with clarity and confidence.
Questions? If you have any questions or need more details, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Let your faith guide your financial journey!
We're here to support you every step of the way.



'If you are able to think of business when you are praying, you should be able to think of your prayers when doing business.'
– Kossover Rebbe

By donating to FaithInvest, your gift helps us develop the free-to-access tools, programmes and resources needed to support faith groups as across as wide a range of geographies and capacities as possible. We are very grateful for any support you can give us.