Impact investments prove to be an effective way to meet FCI targets and UN SDGs; however, getting exposure to impact products can be difficult as the space is relatively new and difficult to implement.
The Impact Investing Institute has published guidelines for Impact Investment in Pensions.
The aim of the fund is to gain 16% impact exposure, while 100% of the fund is ESG tilted and in compliance with article 8 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). The fund does seem to have minimal exposure to fixed income instruments (10%), which can be interpreted to a more aggressive pension plan, in comparison to a blended 60/40 (Equity/Bond) pension fund.
They key takeaway is that the first step in being more impactful is measurement. A concept we at FI advocate for in our FCI work.
James Lawrence describes it as: "This measurement process and an awareness of all of the positive and negative impacts across our portfolio, constantly influence our process of reviewing objectives. This approach develops over time and is influenced both by feedback and wider market developments."