Hundreds of Catholic organisations have divested billions of dollars or euros from the primary contributing industries to climate change: oil, gas, and coal. Here are some powerful insights on Catholics’ inspirational commitment to divestment from fossil fuels.
The Years Project, an important climate change, multimedia communication endeavour, highlights the inspirational action taking by Catholic organisations around the world
Dr. Lorna Gold shares insights from the movement to divest the Catholic Church in Ireland from fossil fuels.
A 'prophetic' decision
In the above video, Gold describes the decision to divest as prophetic, as a way of drawing attention to injustice and the plights of the poor:
"We have seen firsthand in our work overseas that this is not something in the future. Climate change is already affecting people…it affects livelihoods, the number of rapid-onset emergencies. It affects those who are already facing many challenges in their lives. It’s the ultimate threat amplifier" – Gold