A four-part webinar series has been organised by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America to help put creation care into action in parishes and communities. FaithInvest's Martin Palmer will speak during one of the webinars, on Thursday January 14.
The series will feature conversations between expert panelists on what it means to be a steward of creation through the lens of Orthodox Christian theology, best practices, and daily action.
The webinars are all at 6pm ET time.
January 7 – 'Orthodox Initiatives: What is happening in parishes, what is possible and effective.
January 8 – Ecumenical Practices: Insight into best practices in ecumenical partner churches.
January 14 – Communities at Work: Ways and practices to put creation care into action in our communities.
January 15 – Hopeful Aspirations: Young adult hopes for now and the future to protect God's Creation.
Speaking alongside Martin in the webinar on January 14 will be:
Karenna Gore – Founder and Director of the Center for Earth Ethics, Union Theological Seminary
Rev. Fletcher Harper – Executive Director of GreenFaith
Patrick Carolan – Former Executive Director of the Franciscan Action Network and co-founder of Global Catholic Climate Movement